Saturday, November 2, 2019

Does Health Policy assist in combating some of the health problems in Essay

Does Health Policy assist in combating some of the health problems in United KINGDOM(DEMENTIA POLICY IN UK) - Essay Example Looking at these alarming statistics, it can be noted that incidences of dementia will only continue to grow. Attention needs to be paid to the ways in which comprehensible plans can be laid out for service development for this illness. In this paper the author attempts to understand dementia and how it affects the UK population. Using statistics from various governmental sources, independent researches and non-governmental sources it charts out the path, people suffering from dementia have had to face. Closely examining the UK government’s latest health plan, â€Å"Living well with Dementia†; the author critically analyzes whether the policy is people friendly and is addressing the right concerns. In conclusion, the author endeavors to point out gaps that have been left out in the policy making process which needs to be filled, for people with dementia to have a better life. Dementia is most commonly found among the elderly population, it is said that, in UK, 1 in 5 people over 80 have some form of dementia while in those over the age of 65, only 1 in 20 seem to be affected (Knapp and Prince, 2007). However, this is not to say that it cannot occur in young people, a growing number of younger populations are showing early signs of dementia within UK. While no, one, clear factor has been identified as a cause of dementia, it is said that genetic background, lifestyle, age and medical history could lead to the initiation of dementia. The way each individual experiences dementia depends a lot on their physical upkeep, emotional quotient and family support. However, being a progressive illness, its symptoms eventually become more rigorous as time passes. Caring for dementia patients, in the context of their deteriorating mental health is a tedious task. In UK, Knapp and Prince (2007) estimate that among persons aged 65 and above, 36.5% live under institutionalized care, while 63.5% people continue to live in their

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