Friday, November 29, 2019

Hip hop free essay sample

One of Meek Mills song states, Cause if was worried about something, all youll innings getting murdered about something, straight p. That line is to let people know that if he had someone who he thought is better than him, he would get them murdered. Teenagers who listen to those types of lyrics will eventually think the same and act upon those words. Furthermore, Rappers use vulgarity and profanity to carry their point across to the public. Rap songs with lyrics of this kind may influence a teenagers mind to say the type of things that the songs message is sending. For example, most songs use the words Amiga, and pitch continuously. Therefore, the person listening to the song may think it is normal to refer to heir male friends as Amiga, and to their female friends as pitch. It is disrespectful to call others those words, but in a teenagers mind, that type of name calling is common. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rap music shapes our society language, which affects how teenagers communicate with each other creating disrespect with words that mean much more to a person.Moreover, The rap culture has implemented a type of attitude that makes teenagers think that males are superior to women. An example to this is Anti No Fun, a rap song written by Snoop Dog, a famous rapper who began his rapping career in the early sasss. This song makes male listeners feel that women are unimportant. It also makes teenagers think that the rapper is superior to women, and that he can have all the women he wants. Mint No Fun says things like, l know the pussys mine, so Im going to buck a couple more times, and then Im through with it.Theres nothing else to do with it, pass it to the homey, now you hit it, cause she anti nothing but a pitch to me, and you know the pitches anti sit to me Youll never be my only one, trick ass pitch. The underlying messages represent acts of perception which may lead teens to act carelessly towards omen. In this case, these rap lyrics affect male teenagers the most because the lyrics allow them to grow up thinking that females are trashy and worthless. This is a problem because it encourages disrespect and foul language.On the other hand, almost all of the songs that are popular nowadays reference drugs and alcohol. Rappers think that the only way to sell their records is by promoting negative values. The majority of songs dedicate their minutes to getting high and drunk. A rap song with lyrics about drugs and alcohol influences a teenager to try those things. Teenagers should to be drinking and smoking, especially not because the songs they listen to are telling them to do so. Teens that are exposed to drugs and alcohol at a young age are most likely to go to jail and to commit dangerous offenses.In addition, todays teenagers are tomorrows future. Todays generation is going to be depended on in the upcoming years to take over important jobs and professions. Modern rap is interfering with the way that teens are supposed to act. Physically, all rappers look the same. They use saggy clothes, have tattoos, piercing, and braids. Teenagers think that it is cool to copy from the hysterical appearance Of rappers, but if they use rappers as a model of what they should look like, people Will never take them seriously. Teenagers occasionally do not think twice about the way they present themselves physically, which may allow them to never find a good job in the future. Also, way rappers write their lyrics is also becoming an issue. The way lyrics are written is improper. A large amount of rap uses words that are not existent. Rappers tend to misspell and change words. For example, instead of spelling trying, they spell, and pronounce the word as ternary. This might confuse a teenager with how to write and speak. It will make it difficult for teenagers to write and speak because they will start expressing themselves the way their favorite rapper does. This is a problem because teenagers who are exposed to those types of lyrics would start spelling and speaking incorrectly which will make peers, teachers, or even parents not take them seriously. In the article How Hip-Hop Holds Blacks Back, the author, John H. Micrometer says, Many fans, rappers, producers, and intellectuals defend raps violence, both real ND imagined, and its misogyny as a revolutionary cry of frustration from disemboweled youth. The rap culture has influenced teens to change the way they think and act. Years ago when rap became popular, rap was a way for people to speak freely about social and personal issues. By doing so, rappers engaged people, to become concerned and aware Of these issues. Today, the rap culture has changed completely. Rap has become a part of most tens everyday lives, and they grow up thinking that life is based on the bad influence brought on by rap lyrics. The rap culture is still growing and it is coming more popular than ever. Hip Hop free essay sample Hip-hop reflects the truth, and the problem Is that help;hop exposes a lot of the negative truth that society tries to conceal. Its a platform where we could offer information, but its also an escape. - Busts Rhymes (Hip Hop Quotes) Hip hop does contain a largely negative influence into the American society by black men getting into violence, assaulting black women physically and concerning about their education, their employment and their Incarceration. The hip hop music Influence young black men to get into violence with other black men, in order, to show who is ore masculine than the other one.Also, they rap songs that they come up with on the spot and have competition against one another. In the documentary by Byron Hurt, Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes, Byron Hurt shows us a bunch of young Black men rapping about violence and have a small competition between them. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When Hurt asked them why they only rap about violence, they answered, because people are only interested in violence, such as guns and weapons, but not, about their dally lives, their love life and other good things. Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes) The hip hop music also influences young black men to kill each other and have a beef between them, to show who the boss here Is. Long time ago, when the famous rapper, Tuba, was alive, he had a beef with the Notorious 8,1. G. They both were quite close, but one day, when Tuba got shot at a New York recording studio, the Notorious B. I. G. And P. Tidy were present there. (Rappelling) Tuba had suspicious on the Notorious B. I. G. And then, they started their beef.He thought that Biggie planned to kill him in order to eliminate him and claimed to be the most ammos rappers In the United States. Tuba tried all his best to destroy the Notorious B. L. G. s career, but Biggie was silence the whole time in this beef. (Rappelling) In the documentary of Byron Hurts, he says that the homicide Is the leading cause of death for Black men aged of 15-34 and 49% of gunshot victims in the United States are Black men aged of 15-24. Also, he says that Black men are 14 times more likely to be victims of homicide than any other races. Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes) What is actually causing this is the hip hop music itself, as it is influencing young lack men these days to get more physically violent to other black men and It leads to deaths and very bad consequences. Hip hop makes rappers to assault black women physically. In the documentary of Byron Hurts, he says that Black women are 35% more likely than white women to be physically assaulted. (HIP Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes) This shows that black women are likely to get assaulted no matter what artists rap about hip hop. They call them the sisters and the pitches or the hoes.Also, he says that There is a real desensitizing to the objectification of women in hip hop. Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes) Black men dont treat the black women properly and they look at them as are not equal as them. All rappers are being sexist towards black women. In their music videos, they show inappropriate body parts of black women and they dont even care about it. In Iatric Roses book called The Hip Hop Wars, she says that Because street culture and the exploitative culture on which it is based have become 1 OFF women parrot the sexist ideas that are so widely circulated in hip hop; its a key to belonging.For many young black women, the language of commercial hip hop about black sexuality has influenced their understanding of black women, not Just reflected it. (The Hip Hop Wars) Rose explains that black women understand who they are, but they are still being sexually harassed by black men that they cannot do about. As of this day, black women are still being harassed sexually by black men and there is nothing that they can do about. Most black people are concern about their education, their employment and their incarceration, because of hip hop.People are objected to legalized discrimination in matters of the ability to vote, education, housing, employment, public benefits and Jury services. In the documentary of Byron Hurts, he says that African-Americans have borne the brunt of this war. From 1985-1991, the number of white drug offenders in state prisons increased by 110%; the number of black drug offenders grew by 465%. The average time served by African-Americans for drug crimes grew by 62% between 1994 and 2003, while white drug offenders served 17% more time. Though 14% of monthly drug users are black, slough equal to their proportion of the general population, they are arrested and imprisoned at vastly disproportionate rates: 37% drug offenses. Blacks serve almost as much time in prison for drug offenses (average of 58. 7 months) as whites do for violent crimes (average of 61. 7 months). (Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes) The Americans accept a Justice system in which one out of every three black men born will definitely expect to spend time in Jail during his life. The US pays more money to prisons than to any state universities. They pay a minimum of $20,000 per year. The cost of prison has risen at six times the rate of spending on higher education. Most people in Jail in the US are Black people and Latino people. All of them are concern about their education, housing and other important things to live, but imprisoning for doing a small crime or because of your skin color is not right, but racist. In conclusion, hip hop does give and contain negativity to the society by showing who is the superior men in the competition, assaulting black women and demean them onto their music videos and imprisoning black people for doing a small crime and make big a racist deal of it. Hip Hop free essay sample They say they never really miss you till you dead or you gone So on that note Im leaving after the song. A wise MS by the name of Shawn Corey Carter told me this as his Black Album gave me identical eclectic vibes I felt listening to the likes of Disable Planets, Big L, Big Daddy Kane, Big Pun, Common, Moms Deaf and others artists born of The Renaissance.I have come to inform you all of this renaissance known as hip- hop, a renaissance that will never cease breathing until the last listeners foot is knishes tapping to the rhythm and rhyme scheme of their favorite record. Hip-Hop, a genre of stylized rhythmic music that Is used to accompany a rhythmic form of speech that would go on to become rap. Many have tried unsuccessfully to pinpoint the location of the birth of this Renaissance by saying that this is a West-coast, Midwest, and even a down South born style of music. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, I prefer to take you back to the sasss on 1520 Sedgwick Street in the Bronx, the home of Jamaican DC Cool Here who is arguably considered the father of hip hop, if not one of the many. See Cool Heres style of deejays at house parties was that he would recite rhymes over what would In later time garner the title an Instrumental. He would use a plethora of in house reference when dropping said rhymes on the microphone not knowing this would spawn a movement that would travel through the streets of Brooklyn and be spread by various other party Dos as well such as Coke La Rock. Spoken- word and music by early founding fathers such as Gill Scott- Heron, Gala Mansard, and The Last Poets (one of whom I know personally) helped this movement come Into fruition cause of the simple fact that their lyrics were based on post- call rights era life In the urban community. Oh yes the movement was real. Not only because everyone could relate but because it came via a rhythmic delivery that captured the mind and imagination of the people of that time.In creating this movement, they led us into a new era of Hip-Hop in which The Sugarbird Gang recorded the first record of the genre in 1979 titled Rappers Delight. There were many others who allegedly stated their claim as being the flirt, but couldnt contend with Sugarplum Gang because Rappers Delight made the Billboard Top 100. Its Like Rosa Parks. We all know she wasnt the first to not give up her seat, but why argue if it led to a positive result in the grand scheme of things. By the asss, Hip-Hop had spread to every major city in the United States, but Philadelphia was the only city that could come close to drawing comparison to New Works contributions to Hip-Hop after Philly artist Cook Henderson released his record Rhythm Talk Since I have told you the history of the Renaissance known as HIP-HOP, lets bring Now lets talk about present day artists that epitomize the rhythmic, eclectic and dynamic styles. We talk about Jay-Z, Kenya West, Drake, Meek Mill, Big Sean, Mine, Common, Moms Deaf, and so on.I prefer to talk about Black Thoughts team, The Roots. This Hip-Hop group has transcended the Hip-Hop genre since the came on to the scene in the City of Brotherly Love in 1987. Black Thought and ? Strove both attended the Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts where ? Strove would be the drum kit at talent shows while Black Thought laced the recursions with lyrics that would make The Last Poets, Gill Scott-Heron, and especially DC Cool Here proud of the fact that the roots of Hip-Hop have not been forgotten.Ironic how they would become known as The Roots in the process of their formation. They barely missed the Top 100 when they dropped their first major label album titled Do You Want More?!!!! in January 1995. What made this so significant is that they used no prerecorded instruments, kicks, or sounds. Every bit of their sound was original. This to me is why they epitomize what Hip-Hop because they are s original in the 21st century as they were in the asss when they made their debut.Another artist I will mention is 23 year old Compton emcee Kindlier Lamar who Just released his debut album good kid, m. A. A. D city. I believe it is the album of the year, but thats a persuasive speech for another day. With this one album alone Kindlier shows veterans in the game how to perfectly arrange an album and turn it into a masterpiece that reaches every generation and demographic. In closing I will say that what started as a Renaissance has become commercialese. Do I feel that there s hope that we will one day as artists go back to our roots like The Roots and Kindlier Lamar?Yes, but it will be a strenuous process. The Renaissance is in good hands with artists like Kindlier Lamar making classics with one debut. Not to mention myself. I try to bring a new feel myself to the game as well. Hip-Hop, The Renaissance is taking a step into the next generation. I will leave you Hip-Hop fans with this question: Will you take that next step with me. Outline -Introduction -History of Hip-Hop -Prime examples of authentic Hip-Hop -Is The Renaissance in good hands? -Conclusion Hip Hop free essay sample A Joe For many people hip-hop is synonymous with rap music, but Id say it refers to a whole subculture that emerged with rap in the united States especially New York in the late sass and has since become truly international. Rapping (or Mincing) and Digging are the two main components of hip-hop music. Maybe you could describe rap as a form of expression that is somewhere between speech, poetry and song. Other parts of hip-hop culture are specific styles of dancing, clothing and graffiti art, and even a specific form of English slang.Hip-hop originally came out of African-American communities in New York, and I think its true to say that in countries such as the US and Britain it is still quite closely connected with the young black population, though of course there are hip-hop fans from every background, and indeed some famous non-black rappers such as Mine. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first time a piece of rap music entered the US charts was In October 1979. 28 years later Its one of the biggest-selling popular music genres In the world, even though Its been going through a bit of a decline recently.Rappers such as 50 Cent, Snoop Dog, Kenya West, Jay-Z and Mine have fans all around the world, and earn many millions of dollars a year. In many countries youll find magazines and radio shows devoted to hip-hop, and anyone who has ever spent few hours watching MET will know that it also has a high profile there. Mike I think hip-hop is the most overrated musical genre, and that gangs rap is probably Its worst subcategory. All those guys boasting about their guns, their cars and their wealth, and talking about women as If there nothing more than objects its not exactly a positive message, is it?A lot of their so-called music clearly glossaries violence, so Im amazed that its even allowed to get on the radio. Rob Anyone taking a look at my CD collection or the trac ks on my MPH player would see that I love hip-hop. Its a musical style that attracts frequent criticism and generalizations, mostly from people who know very little about It. Im sick of hearing people go on about gangs rap as If thats all there Is. Hip-hop Is diverse, and there are a lot of hip-hop rusts with Intelligent things to say about race, class and other social issues.But then again, why should hip-hop have any message at all? Do people demand that other forms of pop music to always have a positive message? I dont think so. This page has been downloaded from vim. Loneliest. Net. It Is photocells, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright (O Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007. WORKSHEET B A Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (FL or If the text doesnt say (D). 1. Joe thinks rapping Is not really part of hip-hop culture 2. Joe thinks gangs rap is the only kind of hip-hop music. 4. Rob thinks people often generalist about hip-hop. 5. Joe thinks Mine is probably the most famous rapper in the world. 6. Joe thinks there should be more hip-hop on MET. B Can you find the words or expressions in the text that mean the opposite of the following? 1 . Underrated 2. Loosely 3. Praise 4. Poverty 5. Not surprised 6. Homogeneous C Below are some excerpts from the text, but not all of them have been copied correctly. Can you identify which of them now contain mistakes, and then make the necessary corrections? 1 . Do people demand that other forms of pop music to have a positive usage? . A lot of their called music clearly glossaries violence 3. Hip-hop originally came out of African-American communities in New York 4. Its not exactly positive message, is it? 5. There are a lot of hip-hop artists with intelligent things to say 6. For many people hip-hop is synonymous with rap music This page has been downloaded from www. Insidious. Net. It is photocopied, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007. WORKSHEET C Student A Your partner is going to describe the words that are missing from the rosewood below. Hip Hop free essay sample Hip-hop music is known as one of the most popularizing and popular genres in our modern society. Most of hip-hop music is considered vulgar, offensive, and meaningless, which can be easily displayed by hip-hop artists such as Soul]a Boy and Oil Wayne. However, who gets lost in translation is the artist who conveys true meaning in their lyrics and sticks with the original roots of the music. For hip-hops short life, there has been dramatic change in the structure and culture of the music.Most of the well-revered artists of their time Like to claim that the music has lost Its absence. I have a concurring belief in that if hip-hop wants to rid of its negative stereotype, it should emphasize its roots more often. Two of hip-hops most respected authors, Bill Brewster and Frank Brought, agree with this belief by stating, hip hop today thrives on a sense of its own past (Williams 133). We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order to clarify my belief on this subject, I want to explain hip-hops Orleans and Its positive Impact on our society when it follows its roots. Hip-hop music had very humble beginnings in the city of Bronx, New York. In an area where arson, government neglect, and violence ran rampant, the poor youth added to find a safe place from this madness (Change 59). Through this, they found the culture of hip-hop. Young kids in the area would pass time by rapping in a Jamaican reggae style over the beats of funky Afro-Latin beats, dancing to wild percussive beats, and spray painting (Change 61).These Innocent ways of leisure for the youth were essentially what embodied the original form of hip-hop music _ Shortly after, these elements were put into the mainstream where teenagers threw parties. Not only did hip-hop music become a popular thing for teens to do, but was also a retreat way to vent out anger and energy in a positive way (Change 6). One of the biggest pioneers of the hip-hop genre In the late ass was Africa Bumboat. Bumboat would throw hip-hop based parties in Bronx, which turned out to be instrumental in popularizing the genre (Change 62).These parties often had a collectivist feel, where Des, rappers, and dancers would collaborate to create quality entertainment. This turned out to be a great way to unify communities In this time. The icing on the mainstream cake was when Sugarbird Gang created the first mainstream single, Rappers Delight (Change 63). Looking at the genre of hip-hop, it is clearly one of the most popular around. There is a plethora of styles in hip-hop music now such as club hits to gangster rap. While these styles can often be extremely different, they all have a very wide audience that they pertain to. Hip-hop music has become popular globally as well, so it is quite obvious that the genre has made significant progress in its short time here. Hip-hop music Is extremely diverse and has made significant social Impacts to our society. For one, the music is an excellent verbal way of expression (McLeod 137). There is a plethora of topics that hip-hop artists have rapped about since the advent of the genre. For example, Tuba has written music about respect for his mother, Moms States, and Kenya West raps about the United States obsession with materialism (McLeod 138).These are Just a few of the many positive topics that hip-hop music has explored and will continue to explore. Even in our modern society, where most avid listeners of hip-hop music claim is the worst era, we have rappers such as ASAP Rocky and Mackerel rapping about topics such as consumerism and gay rights (McLeod 138). The other powerful effect that hip-hop music has had on society is the entertainment and aesthetic impact. Hip-hops original elements included Mincing (rapping), Digging, B-Boning (breakfasting), and graffiti (Price Ill 41).Most of these elements are very relevant in our society; new club dances and sampling other music have also been added to give the genre even more versatility. In summary, not only does hip-hop music have significant meaning in social progressivism, but it also adds an exciting entertainment value to our society. Although, to most pundits of hip-hop music, the genre has significantly lost its meaning. I believe it still has retained it meaning, however it has to deliver different messages due to changes in our society.While hip-hop music may have lost some of its roots, there are still plenty of artists who utilize the original elements in the genre (Williams 134). What I hoped to explain in this essay is the origin of hip-hop and how it has made an impact on our society from when it began to now. The contrast between the two is very diverse and has a direct correlation with the changes in society. Overall, I hope this essay helped expand most peoples knowledge about hip- pop music and its importance to our society. Hip Hop free essay sample Phenomenon Barack Obama once stated, The thing about hip-hop today is its smart, its insightful. The way they can communicate a complex message in a very short space is remarkable (Morgan 927). HIP Hop has evolved through the years by the people who participate In It. The message In the lyrics that hip hop artist speak are usually directed to the youth community. Hip Hop is spread throughout the world. Hip Hop was started by the youth and is continuing to strive off the youth.Hip Hop in todays society has broadened worldwide due to its youthful audience and their involvement with its projects. Hip Hop was created so people can be entertained and the artist can tell his or her story. In the article, Introduction: HIP Hop In History: Past, Present, and Future, Derrick Already explains how hip hop was originated from the streets of New York and was introduced to the world by the African American family (190). We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hip Hop contains four basic elements which are: disc Jockeying, break dancing, graffiti art, and rapping (Already 190).The two elements that have gained the most attention are disc jockeying and rapping (Already 191 Piper Scarify explains in his article, A Brief History of HIP Hop that hip hop was first Introduced to New York by way of the Jamaican Immigrants. (wassailing_com)_ Graffiti Art was first used around the sass in the streets of Philadelphia. (www. Scarify. Com). DC Cool Arc created the term D boy to refer to an acrobatic style of breakfasting. (www. Scarify. Com). There were many major icons to start this hip hop movement which included Biggie Smalls (Hess xviii).Biggie Smalls was considered one of the greatest Macs in the history of hip hop music (Hess xviii). These Icons are what made hip hop popular. Christopher Wallace was a much known rapper to help hip hop become successful. Biggie smalls was born In in Brooklyn, New York, on May 21st (Holly veil). Smalls first album was named Ready to die and sold many copies of it (Holly viii). Biggie Smalls created a protection group called Hawks for people he could call family (Holly 4). Biggie smalls rap name was the Notorious B. I. G. ND he was a well- respected rapper by many important people in the Hip Hop world (Holly 39). In the book, Is HIP Hop Dead: The Past, Present, and Future of Americas Most Wanted Music, Mackey Hess explains how lyrics from Biggie present cleaving a career In rap music as a story of hard work and ingenuity (14). Wallace wrote songs about his life and how he made it to success (Hess 14). This artist justifies his wealth, success, and celebrity by presenting his career as a rise from poverty (Hess 24). Biggie is not the only major icon of Hip Hop. There are many people that have contributed to the success of hip hop.The first rap records were Sugar Hill Gangs Rappers Delight (1979) and Curtis Blow Walkers was first achieved by Run DAM (windsurfs. Mom). Hip hop moved, in short, from an event-driven activity to a product-driven one with the release and overwhelming commercial success of Run DAM (Dimidiates 355). Usually young men participate in hip hop (Morgan 926). Hip hop allowed young men who could not get a Job a way to gain income (Morgan 932). Queen Latish was also a major contributor. Latish brought a new sense of positivist to rap and became a role model almost instantly when she started (Hess 218).Commercially and culturally, Latish helped begin a tradition that continues today in the rap world (Hess 226). Hip hop has its participators and audience to thank for its success. Rap music has transformed from not Just music but also to a culture. The hip hop beats created by Dos in the asss actually sparked what is known as hip hop culture Jackson 22). In the article, Hip Hop Culture around the Globe: Implications for Teaching, Brenda Jackson explains how hip hop culture has expanded to urban clothing, expensive Jewelry, cars, speech patterns, mindsets, and movement styles (22).Hip hop culture is now defined by a commercialese lifestyle far from humble singings surrounded the inception of hip hop music Jackson 22). Greg Dimidiates says in Hip Hop to Rap: Some Implications of a Historically Situated Approach to Performance that most people received hip hop culture by way of tapes played on personal stereo systems (355). Hip hop can be described as cultural practice is associated with the production of particular identifications (Morgan 925). Hip has changed from not only being an African American phenomenon to being accepted by many races.Rap expresses the ongoing preoccupation with literacy and oral that has characterized African American communities since the inception of legally coerced illiteracy during slavery (Tyson 408). The rap artist appeals to the rhetorical practices eloquently honed in African American religious experiences and the cultural potency of black/singing/musical traditions to produce an engaging hybrid (Tyson 408). Hip hop can be described as cultural practice that is associated with the production of particular identifications (Morgan 925).Rap music has become by far the most celebrated expression of hip hop culture (Leach 10). A mass population enjoys the genre hip hop. Hip Hop was spread out widely through the world with the help of the youth community. In the article, Aboriginal Youth, Hip Hop and the Politics of Identification, George Morgan explains how Hip Hop makes it ideal for youth to get in touch with their tribal identity, history, and cultural background (928). Most of the time, young men were the ones to participate in hip hop (Morgan 928). Hip Hop allowed young men who could not get a Job a way to gain income (Morgan 932).Hip Hop is not seen only as a musical genre but also it has become a style of dress, dialect of language, a ay of looking at the world, and an aesthetic that reflects the sensibilities that affects a large population of youth (Already 190). Hip Hop has it positives and negatives throughout the youth community. The words hip hop and rap music are very much interchangeable. In the article, Its a Hip Hop World, Jeff Change explains how rap music has always been considered a form of resistance against authority (58). Rap provided Jobs for many UN-employed people (Change 62).Critics often call hip hop materialistic, misogynistic, homophobic, preaching and music (Tyson 408). Rap has retrieved historic black ideas, movement, and figures in combating the racial amnesia that threatens to relegate the achievements of the black past to the ash heap of forgetting (Tyson 408). Rap music has become by far the most celebrated expression of hip hop culture (Leach 10). Rap Music is also one of the easiest genres to market to a mass audience (Leach 10). Hip Hop is a serious business. Hip hop is now the center of mega music and fashion industry around the world. Hip Hop free essay sample Hip Hop: From the street to Wall Street Hip-hop music Is known for being an outlet for African Americans to express themselves, whether It be political criticism, social criticism, Injustice, youth rebellion, oppression or some other social concept. The music has changed form over time, from spirituals sang by slaves to powerful raps about society to meaningless degradation sang by thugs and gangsters. Today, hip-hop music exists in many forms, some of which hold true to the meaningfulness of sass hip-hip from the South Bronx, and others with catchy beats and meaningless lyrics created simply for ash capital.The music coming from the South Bronx in the 1 sass was prophetic. It talked about topics concerning society and its future (Assent 1-23). Modern-day mainstream hip-hop, for the most part, is not prophetic in any sense of the word. But, with that said, one must also remember that main stream hip-hop is not all hip-hop. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mainstream hip-hop has made a transition from the street to Wall Street, losing its identity In the process. In the days of slavery, church was used as a means of keeping spirits up and encouraging day-to-day life.Slaves were not legally allowed to learn how to read or rite, so they had to learn the Bible by listening too preacher and singing bible verses. Spirituals were songs sung by slaves that combined Protestant hymns and African music styles (Arboreal 47). Spirituals held different meanings for different people. Some would speak of freeing oneself of sins while simultaneously relating to being free of slavery; some were even used as tools to escape slavery. Harriet Tubas Wade in the Water is one of the most well-known spirituals.The spiritual was used to warn runaway slaves to abandon the path and move into or near the water to avoid dogs and their keepers (Pathways to Freedom). As time passed, spirituals evolved into a more modern form but served much the same purpose. Freedom songs were revived spirituals sung during the civil rights movement. Many came directly from spirituals with a few words tailored to fit the message of the civil rights movement. For example, the spiritual My Mind Stayed on Jesus became My Mind Stayed on Freedom during the civil rights movement (Sweet Chariot).The undertone of civil rights music was the same spirituals used during African Americans earliest days of oppression. Another example of a spiritual turned redeem song is Keep Your Hand on the Plow to Keep Your Mind on the Prize (Sweet Chariot). These are Just examples of how African American music evolved early on. Hip-hop culture was born from poor black and Latino youth in the South Bronx in the sass. There were four elements to hip-hop culture: rap, Digging, graffiti, and breakfasting. The culture was a way of expression for the poor originators and a way of expressing their economic and social status (Codington). Africa Bumboat, also known as the Grandfather of Hip-Hop, was instrumental In the development of hip-hop culture. He was the first DC and led the first Hip-Hop Tour. As the face of early hip-hop, Bumboat promoted the aspects of hip-hop that Involved unity, spirit and having fun (Mitchell). Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five were a Message. The song opens up with a very powerful first verse: Its like a Jungle sometimes it makes me wonder/How I keep from going under (Grandmaster Flash).Falling in line with most early rap music, the lyrics related to society and what was taking place in the South Bronx during the time the song was written. The chorus follows with Dont push me cause Im close to the edge/lam trying not to lose my head (Grandmaster Flash). The Message reflected upon the general struggles the poor were facing in the South Bronx. A large reason for the songs popularity was the fact that people could relate. People could relate to the ideas of helplessness and struggle perpetuated in the lyrics. The South Bronx was a poverty stricken area in the sass.Denationalization and urban renewal caused a high unemployment rate of 40% and 60-80% among youth. Many were homeless because slumlords would burn down huge apartment buildings in order to collect insurance and the local government decreased social services in the area because it was seen as a hopeless lace. The distrust in social services and large levels of homelessness lead to the uprising of gangs, which appealed largely to young males. Gangs offered protection and family to those who had nothing, as well as shelter, food and a source of income for many.Hip-hop music became an alternative to gang life (Aware). In the late ass and ass, hip-hop took a black power stance and provoked political and historical urgency into the black community. The stronghold on hip-hop culture shifted from the east coast to the west coast, where a situation similar to the South Bronx was occurring in Los Angels. West coast hip-hop was called gangs rap. Gangs rap talked about life in the neighborhoods of Los Angels and started the word hustling (Codington). NNW, also known as Inning With Attitudes, is considered to be one of the pioneering groups of gangs rap. Their crude and explicit lyrics were very controversial, but did not hinder the success of the group. With lyrics like, When Im called off I got a sawed off/Squeeze the trigger and bodies are hauled off (Straight Auto Compton), NNW held true to the idea of criticizing society through hip-hop, though in a much angrier manner. The aforementioned lyrics from their song Straight Auto Compton represent the growing anger of the city youth. Their song Gangs Gangs painted the view of inner city kids; Gangs, gangs, thats what theyre yelling/lets not about salary its all about reality (Gangs Gangs).NNW was brutal, but authentic in the violence in their music. At first sound, the group sounds explicit, but if one pays attention to what it is they are saying, it becomes evident that they describe life in Los Angels during very trying times. In the 21st century, hip-hop has now made a movement to the south. The classic hip-hop is beginning to take a backseat to new hip-hop which is becoming indistinguishable from pop music. Digging is now seen as alternative rap, where music synthesizing has come to the forefront. Hip-hop music has now evolved into an industry that involves unmusical culture such as acting.The music has lost a lot of its lyrical significance and the poetry has become lacking at best. Foreign artists are also starting to emerge on the hip-hop scene. Attitude towards 21st century mainstream hip-hop can most simply be summed up by Nas 2006 Album: Hip Hop is Dead. But, some artists still display hope or lyrical and purposeful hip-hop, such as Kenya West and M. I. A (Light). Oil Wayne exemplifies current main stream hip-hop. His music is constantly heard on the radio to it, such as throw up blood with my hands/my gang pippin insignias smoke that shush and not that reggae (Bill Gates).Another example of the meaninglessness of current mainstream hip-hop music is the group Three Six Mafia. Their lyrics are equally blank, Ghetto pimp type girls say Im the Maine/lace on the wrist with ice in the chain/Riding through the hood, got me gripping the grain/And Im sipping the same while Im changing the lane (Three Six Mafia). But, not all mainstream rap has lost its awareness. Kenya West is a very unique main stream artist who has constantly striver to make his music relevant, especially early on in his career.From his album, Late Registration, comes a track displaying a much different feeling than a Oil Wayne or Three Six Mafia track. Man I promise, shes so self conscious/She has no idea what shes doing in college/That major that she majored in dont make no money/But she wont drop out, her parents will look at her funny, (Kenya West) is an excerpt from All Falls Down by Kenya West. Instead of rapping about money, cars, violence, Kenya APS about topics relevant to society, such as the pressure put on young adults to attend college.The shift in mainstream music from contemporary rap to new school rap began with the movement of hip-hop from the east coast to the west coast. When hip-hop was focused on the west coast with gangs rap, the culture was centered on life about material things and violence. The sass hosted the upcoming of cocaine in Los Angels whic h spurred the accumulation of thousands of dollars in very short periods of time. But, this new rap sold. It also broadened the audience of rap music to suburban whites. With this new audience, artists began to make music that sold and hip-hop became about the money, not the people.Contemporary rap was forced to the underground where it got significantly less exposure. Once the new rap style was in place, no one wanted to risk profits by trying to be different. Innovation came to a standstill. Hip-hop became rapping for money versus rapping for people, contemporary rappers versus gangs rappers. But, in the end, money rules, which was the cause of the shift in mainstream hip-hop (Adkins). Differences between old hip-hop and new hip-hop are extremely obvious. From lyrics, to performances, to the sound itself, old and new hip-hop differ significantly.As talked about previously, older hip-hop was conscious and the lyrics addressed social issues, while new hip- hop consists of meaningless, but catchy lyrics. Todays mainstream artists are talented musicians with the ability to string together rhyming, witty lines, but they carry no real meaning. One of the best current artists when it comes to witty one- liners is Oil Wayne, with lines like get on my level, you cant get on my level, you would need a space shuttle or a ladder thats forever (3 Peat).This well-known line is witty but has no real meaning, unlike this line from Tuba, Id rather die like a man than live like a coward/Theres a Heaven up there and its ours, Black Power (Tuba). Even the sound of hip-hop music has changed. Synthesizers are now used to create beats rather than the Digging that took place during the age of old school hip-hop. Modern mainstream music is the music that sells, the synthesized music that compromises lyrics and depth for a sound that sells without meaning. Todays underground music consists of artists who embody what hip-hop was to begin with.Underground artists usually speak issues facing society today, contrary to mainstream music that is consumed by materialism and violence. Underground listeners. There is plenty of music to be found in the underground, but the artists are not given exposure because they create music because they have something to say, not solely for the purpose of making money. Mainstream music is littered with mindless verses about unpunished violence, sex and the degradation of women, drugs, and money and Jewelry. This is the image painted for black youth by the hip- hop industry.Kids see these rich hip-hop artists with their flashy Jewelry and tattoos, and hear them rap about violence and crime, and it influences them. Music is influential. In the same way it had a positive effect on the South Bronx in the sass, it can have a negative effect on kids today. The prophetic of the hip-hop genre has been on a severe decline since the sass, and is almost extinct today. But, the prophetic voice, today, survives meagerly in the underground. Mainstream hip-hop, for the most part, is no longer prophetic. This hip-hop has become more about the money than the people.There are a few mainstream artists who pursue social issues in their music such as Nas, Lope Fiasco and Kenya West. But, the number of mainstream prophetic artists compared to non-prophetic is miniscule. Underground hip-hop still makes strides towards being prophetic, but with such little exposure, it does not have any real influence. Its lack of exposure is partly the fault of hip-hop listeners who do not venture past what is played on the radio. As well as underground hip-hop artists, there are foreign artists, such as M. I. A. , who are beginning to innovate and reshape hip-hop. Hip Hop free essay sample I associated it with egoistic rappers and gang violence. It was my least favorite music genre because rap artists only rap about their shopping list and other meaningless topics. It came to the point where I asked, What Is Hip Hoop I was so curious that I decided to use It as an English research topic. From that point on, my opinion on Hip Hop changed completely due to the fact that theres more to it. As I researched on what Hip Hop is, I found out that it isnt just a music genre, but a massive culture that originated within the Bronx during the sass.Hip Hop was established to stop gang violence on the foundations of expression, peace, love, unity, and having fun with the addition of having four elements: Graffiti art, DC-ins, breakfasting, and rapping. These four elements, together, acted as positive pastimes to keep kids from becoming involved with gangs by organizing artistic battles on whos the better person. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These Hip Hop battles take place in organized events, promoting a positive and peaceful way to resolve conflict, while also providing a safe, friendly community for urban youth.This surprises me because I never wouldve thought that Hip Hop Is a culture, especially the fact that It started out as a peaceful youth community. While I was researching, Eve decided to look up the various rap artists during the ass. Now the question Is. Is Hip Hop music always about egoistic rappers and gang violence? Of course not. These artists wrote about various meaningful topics unity, social issues, politics, and the search for identity. These are the kinds of songs I would listen to because these are topics that people loud easily relate to, while also providing an insight.Rap artists today always rap about how much money they can wave in their hands, wearing Versa, and clubbing. This made me realize how prejudice I was towards Hip Hop, while also realizing how different Hip Hop music was compared to nowadays. Well, I guess thats what happens when youre solely exposed to mainstream rap. Despite the many positive aspects of HIP Hop, the media chooses to focus on the bad side, without revealing the good side to the world. At Its core, the elements of Hip Hop are forms f art that express a much deeper meaning, not Just because of entertainment.It Is a form of expression that is constantly changing the consciousness and spirit of urban youth that keeps repeating itself through generations. It is the same spirit found in different forms of music, such as Jazz, Reggae, and Blues. It is the same spirit that brings life into a simple idea and transforms it into a living cultural movement. Hip Hop By brokenheartedly is Hip Hop? I was so curious that I decided to use it as an English research topic. Heres more to it. As I researched on what Hip Hop is, I found out that it isnt Just a I never wouldve thought that Hip Hop is a culture, especially the fact that it started the various rap artists during the ass. Now the question is, is Hip Hop music always positive aspects of Hip Hop, the media chooses to focus on the bad side, without revealing the good side to the world. At its core, the elements of Hip Hop are forms of art that express a much deeper meaning, not Just because of entertainment. Hip Hop free essay sample HIP hop which originally started in the South Bronx as a street born cultural movement transformed into much more. There are four types also known as the pillars of hip hop, DC-ins,MS- ins, ( also know as rapping ), break dancing, and graffiti. All of that pretty much faded away with the asss and rap was left to take control. Rap in the sasss was thought to be a force, until MS hammer,Tuba, and Biggie Smalls took over the radio with the voice of ghetto youth.That was merely the beginning of one of the biggest trends In he last decade. Rap has worked Its way Into school dances, Commercials, and even movies. In the early sasss what was known as gangs rap became the predominant sound. The more the artist would rap about guns, money and drugs the more popular would be, and the ones who were listening to this music was usually white, suburban teenagers. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Which begs the question why would white teenagers love this hateful and drug related music?Gangs rap was born In the ghetto and Is about the ghetto and yet white suburban teenagers loved It the most. When everything that s in one of these songs is usually the complete opposite then their own lives. Rap through the decades has changed starting with the sasss when the big rappers were EL Cool J and Vanilla Ice. Then in the sasss rap became much more in many ways, the beats became better, the rappers more talented, and the lyrics much more graphic. In the late sasss Rap was a war, between the East and West coast.Two superstars, Biggie Smalls In 1997 from the East, and Tuba Shaker In 1996 from the west were murdered and all evidence points to the either side being guilty of murder. When talking to most teenagers nowadays they will say that Tuba and Biggie started everything, and its relatively true there is probably 1 in a hundred Americans who dont know who B. I. G or Tuba Is. There is a lot of negative impact due to this new trend of music, It paints a picture of doing drugs, getting high, shooting guns, and breaking the law.To add to that, the people who listen to rap the most Is young white teenagers, who are being Influenced by It. Its understandable that this type of music came from the ghetto, life Is extremely tough for those who live there. There is a lot of gangs and drugs all over he streets, and it is a mentality that is driven into the young kids who live there that the right way to live is to do drugs and break the law. Of course there is always cases where that Is not true but for the majority of people in the ghetto life Is drugs first, money second and trying to survive third.It Isnt pretty and that why the music that comes out of It Is filled with what most peoples lives are In the ghetto. Rap Is the new trend, its our generations music, every generation has had its own music. Whether is Dissocialize, electric, or R. The point is that for the last two decades, rap music has en taking over the music industry, it started off slow in the asss but by the time B. I. G and Tuba died their music was sold out in every store. After their deaths in the late sasss the industry skyrocketed, every artist was trying to fill the enormous shoes that were left to be filled. Loathing of American hip hop fans underwent an evolution from the saggy Jeans of the sass to a more retro type of look. The new look was full of Nikkei Air Jordan, sweatpants, snap back hats, and fur coats for the more ghetto artists. As the sass were underway so was the Www Tang Clan ( from the ass ), Outcast, Method man, and en of the first and best white rappers Mine. Mine changed the rap game, it was the first time that a white rapper had ever made an impact like the big boys from the ass ( B. I. G, Tuba ).Amines style is fast and vulgar but in a way which he told stories, he captivated everyone with his way of rapping. After this every white boy wanted to be a rapper they all wanted to be the next big thing, thats why so many white teenagers listen to rap music. Teenagers are the easiest people to influence because they are trying to find there way/path in life. Its hard to go to school on the us everyday and listen to your friends all rapping in the back of the bus and not want to fit in and do it to.That is how trends start, imagine being back in the asss driving around with your friend and he says hey listen to this sweet song I heard the other day so your listening to it and it has a cool beat that you havent heard before and it catches your attention. Trends start because things catch you or your friends attention and you go tell your other friends, who tell their friends. For example when the most popular kid in school walks in wearing high top sneakers basketball shorts a ann. top and a snap back, two days later 30 kids will have the exact same thing.Everyone is Just trying to fit in with whats new, and whats cool. Now in 2013 you hear a lot more rap once again change into more of a dance/rap music with less focus on violence and more on doing pills and this living life while your young sort of motto. Now with the turn of a new generation comes a new trend of music, style, and once again an influence to do drugs. With every generation comes a different style of rapping that has been taking over not Just America, but the world.

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